Stephanie Briggs

vocalist & music artist

Stephanie Briggs is a lifelong singer with a mission to touch hearts and delight audiences through her naturally dynamic and emotive vocals.Melding a wide range of styles including pop, jazz, country, soul, and folk, Stephanie is a versatile performer whose voice has been described as silky, soulful, and spine-tingling.From simple a cappella to complex layered productions, Stephanie's arrangements showcase her powerful voice and signature vocal harmonies




For Evermore (lead vocalist & writer)

folk rock with a black & blue soul _

Starry Eyes (artist, writer & producer)

channeled melodies & ethereal dream pop _

Past Projects:

Meetinghouse (vocalist 2014-2019)

folk rock cover band known for its acoustic flair & vocal harmonies

get in touch

Stephanie is available to lend her voice to your studio project. She is also available for gigs and collaborations in central Connecticut. Get in touch if you'd like to explore working together!

©2018-2023 Stephanie Briggs